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Prohibition related to animal feeds in Namibia

Namibia implements a strict programme for the control of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) (mad cow disease) through the complete ban on the inclusion of ruminant-derived proteins in ruminant feeds. Consequently, Namibia was awarded Negligible risk for BSE by the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) (previously OIE). Namibia is the first country in Africa to obtain this status. 


These strict measures implemented allows Namibia access to global high value markets like the European Union (EU), which implements equivalent measures to safeguard public and animal health.


In addition to the ban on the inclusion of ruminant-derived protein in ruminant feed, Namibia has for decades banned  the use of chicken manure in animal feeds through the Farm Assured Namibian Meat Scheme (FAN Meat) which is administered by the Livestock and Livestock Products Board of Namibia (LLPBN). 


Section 8.2 of the FAN Meat Standards for Producers states: “No feeds containing ingredients obtained from ruminants (carcass meal, blood meal, bone meal or any other bone product, including hoofs and horns, meat meal or meat) and chicken manure may be acquired, disposed of, sold or fed to ruminants.” This ban was implemented to ensure public health.


Livestock producers are herewith again reminded of the above regulations.  It is crucial for livestock producers to strictly comply with the aforementioned regulations to ensure the protection not only of the livestock sector but also of the economy of the entire country.

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